Do Not Fear: He Has Redeemed Us

Lamentations 3:43-66
October 25, 2020
Abraham Hong


Sermon Script

People fear all kinds of things in life. Some are afraid of spiders. Others are afraid of public speaking. A lot of people are afraid of uncertainty or failure or loneliness. Many people are afraid of death.

We can experience fears of all kinds. But there is one fear that is greater than all: the fear of being lost and without the Lord.

This fear was very real for the narrator of Lamentations and for the saints of old who experienced the fall and exile of Jerusalem. When their enemies hunted them down and destroyed them, it was like being flung into a pit. Like how Joseph was thrown into a pit by his brothers. It was like having water close over your head. Like how the waters closed in over Jonah as he drowned in the sea. It was like being lost. Like how sinners deserve to be cut off from the Lord.

The narrator of Lamentations feared that the communion bond, the covenant relationship, between God and his people was over. He feared that the covenant of grace was no more.

But the Lord looked down from heaven and knew all the devastation and destruction that came from his enemies. The Lord heard the narrator cry out for help and call upon his name. The Lord came near. And according to verse 57 of today’s passage, the Lord opened his mouth and said, “Do not fear!”

These words are wonderful and glorious. It is the same victorious words that Moses said to Israel as Pharaoh and his chariot army crossed the Red Sea to kill them (Exodus 14:13). It is the same loving words that Boaz said to Ruth when she asked him for his help (Ruth 3:11). It is the same gracious words that David the king said to Mephibosheth the cripple and the last remaining grandson of Saul (2 Samuel 9:7). It is the same comforting words that the angel said to the women when they visited the Lord’s tomb on the day of his resurrection (Matthew 28:5). And it is the same assuring words that the resurrected Lord himself said to his disciples when they saw him risen from the dead (Matthew 28:10). Do not fear. Do not be afraid.

There are two reasons why the Lord said these wonderful and glorious words to the saints of old in Lamentations. He has redeemed his people. And he will repay the enemies of his people. Today we will consider the first reason of redemption. Next Sunday, Lord willing, we will consider the second reason of repayment.

In verse 58, the narrator confesses these gospel words about the people of the Lord: “You have taken up my cause, O Lord; you have redeemed my life.” The Lord has redeemed his people.

This is what redemption means. The Lord bought you. He purchased you. He paid a price for you. He did this because you were a slave. You were a slave of sin. You were under the bondage and the condemnation of sin. The law of heaven required that you pay the penalty for your sin. And the penalty was eternal death. You owed an eternity of suffering and punishment and wrath in hell. This was why you were a slave. But the Lord redeemed you. The Lord bought you. He purchased you. He paid a price for you. He did this in order to set you free from being a slave of sin. But the Lord did not redeem you with money. He did not buy you or purchase you with anything like that. The Lord redeemed you by giving himself up as a payment for you. The penalty for your sin that you deserved to pay was transferred onto him so that it would be him who would have to pay instead of you. And he paid it. He paid it all. He did so with his body and his blood as he was crucified on the cross. This satisfied the law of heaven. The justice and the punishment and the wrath that our sin required was administered. And so the Lord died. He died as a sacrifice and a substitution for you. His death was him buying you and purchasing you. The Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ, redeemed you.

This gospel truth was brought up in Lamentations to comfort and assure the saints of old back then as they suffered from their enemies. And this gospel truth is being brought up in Lamentations to comfort and assure you today as you suffer from your enemies.

Dear Highland, we will face sufferings and persecutions on this earth because of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We will have enemies. Enemies who will make us feel like we are lost and without the Lord. And so we may have fear.

Brand new believers can be afraid of being disowned by their families for leaving the religion of their ancestors. Christian students and workers can be afraid of being ridiculed at school and at work. Missionaries around the world can be afraid of being thrown into jail or even put to death. The fear is very real.

And dear Highland, we will face spiritual warfare and attacks because we are united with the Lord Jesus Christ. Our chief enemy is the devil. He wants to make us feel like we are lost and without the Lord. And so we may have fear.

Older believers can be afraid of seeing no spiritual growth as the years go by and doubt their salvation. Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ can be afraid of being separated from his love when they struggle and fail to obey him. And when we receive discipline from our Father, we can be afraid of the painfulness that comes with it. The fear is very real.

But the redemption of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is also very real. Yes, you may be afflicted and perplexed. But if you have been redeemed, then you cannot be crushed and you will not be driven to despair. Yes, you may be persecuted and struck down. But if you have been redeemed, then you cannot be forsaken. It is impossible for you to be destroyed. Why? Because you have been redeemed. Do not fear. The Lord has redeemed you.

The redemption of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is real. Yes, you may not grow as you would like to grow. But if you have been redeemed, then you will grow and you will be made perfect at the end. Yes, you may struggle with obedience and receive discipline at times in your life. But if you have been redeemed, then nothing can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Why? Because you have been redeemed. Do not fear. The Lord has redeemed you.

Dear Highland, may the Lord encourage you this morning and this week as you wait for his return.

Come, Lord Jesus, come back soon.

Soli Deo Gloria